Dallas Arthur Birth Stories & Support

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9 Year Old Sister Caught the Baby | St. Augustine Home Birth

Buckle in…this is a fun one!

To say it was an honor to be invited to the birth of Molly’s fourth and final baby is an understatement. We connected from our very first phone call, sharing stories about our births and what a miracle the entire process of birth and pregnancy can be.

Molly shared her birth story in her own words below, and I filled in the gaps with my own memories of that beautiful afternoon. Molly was a photo AND birth film client, so you can watch the video of her birth, too!

Midwives: Tara Dettra, LM, of St. Augustine Home Birth, and Sydney Logan, LM

Birth photographer/videographer: Dallas Arthur of Dallas Arthur Birth Stories & Support

Location: home birth in St. Augustine, Florida

“I first realized labor was starting in the twilight hours before sunrise. It was a beautiful morning and just as the morning sun rose, so too did the surges of early labor.”

“The waves began to summon my full attention and that’s when I decided to let everyone know that today was the day Phoenix was coming.”

One person already knew that Phoenix was coming: her big sister Moxie. Moxie barely slept the night before and just had a strong sense that her sister was coming soon. And she was right!

I arrived in the late morning and walked into a buzzing, excited home, full of family and life. Molly had invited me to document her birth with images and video, and her two midwives and birth assistant filled out the rest of the team.

“The beginning of labor was exciting. My mother had been staying with us for two weeks prior, as to not take a chance of missing this birth, and we had been patiently waiting for Phoenix to choose her birth time.”

”My other three children were wildly excited and everyone was working together to make the day flow and prepare for the energy ahead.”

Moxie sliced cheese and meat, and poured grapes into a bowl for the birth team. Molly’s husband Manny buzzed around the house, making everything perfect for their new arrival, while keeping a watchful eye on Molly and supporting her through her surges.

The midwives sat on the floor, quietly catching up about each other’s lives and work, occasionally popping up to listen to fetal heart tones or check vitals. They held space for this birth beautifully; their calming presence was in perfect balance with the kids’ excitement.

“Music is a big coping mechanism for me, not just for birth, but for LIFE. So needless to say, I played loud music to soothe me. A multi-genre fusion of reggae, rock, blues and island music would make me leave my mind; singing the lyrics and swaying my hips though the waves.”

“I ate quite a bit during labor this time and can vividly remember feeling quite goddess like, having so many people feeding me a variety of honey sticks, berries, watermelon and teas.”

Molly had the most incredible, and BEAUTIFUL spread laid out for everyone. Artisanal chocolates, meat and cheese, nuts, honey sticks…so good. My dad loves charcuterie, and he was watching my kiddos at home, so I texted him and said he would be jealous of what I was munching on! It was awesome!

“Moxie, Nikos and Mercy especially loved to help with tons of hugs and kisses.”

When I met Molly and her family, I knew that as long as they were awake, her children were going to be a big, wonderful part of her birth story. And they were! Children just don’t fear birth. They ran around the house: playing with the cat, taking pictures with my GoPro, making pizzas for the midwives with wooden play food…it was a joy to watch them play while their mama worked so hard alongside them.

“I had SO much support, My home was filled with gentle spirits. My birthing team was phenomenal and were offering words of encouragement, body massages and humor abundantly throughout the birth.”

When she reached about 7cm dilated, her midwife Tara encouraged her to keep moving, and that upright laboring would help continue to bring baby down. “Maybe go take a walk outside, under the trees,” she said with a smile.

With her mom by her side, Molly wandered into her backyard, the breeze blowing her long skirt at her ankles.

She walked to the corner of the yard, pausing every few minutes to bend over and ride a pressure wave. She opened the chicken coop and a flood of birds spilled out and began to wander the yard.

“I’m feeling dizzy,” she told her mom. “But good dizzy. Dizzy is like spirit world.”

“Chickens are your spirit world,” her mom laughed.

The day progressed and so did her labor. She spent a good amount of time laboring in her bathroom, which she had transformed into a peaceful birth sanctuary. She and I had been texting back and forth about this bathroom for weeks. She sent me pictures as she added new pieces: twinkle lights, curtains, plants, and softly glowing lamps.

Molly labored in the tub for a while, but soon found that draping her upper body over a birth ball and kneeling on the bathroom floor felt better. She rocked with each wave, moaning in rhythm as her baby descended.

When things got really intense, she retreated to a quiet room that she had set up for her baby. She curled up on the floor bed with soft blankets, as her family members rotated through, each keeping a watchful eye and a soothing presence.

The birth team stood just outside the door, munching on snacks and talking with her parents. Molly’s dad shared the story of how he met her mom, and we all laughed at how sweet and crazy their story was. Both of her parents had been present for all three of Molly’s births. Watching their love story expand to include another grandchild was humbling and so special.

“Transition came to me and I was in disbelief. I quickly realized this was it… this was the exact moment I had been waiting for!”

“I remember thinking ‘This is it, She’s ready to meet me. This is my moment.’ I had embraced this moment consciously, heightening my awareness as to never forget this. I knew this was my last time experiencing the power, the intensity and the shear MAGIC of birth.”

“Birth is so amazing, it still is an absolute mind blowing experience and to think that all you really need to do is BREATHE and your body and nature will do the rest. My body does what it needs to, and I sit back and follow it’s lead.”

Everyone gathered into the small bedroom. Molly realized that Mercy was napping next door at their neighbor’s house, so her dad ran out to get her. From her grandma’s arms, she peeked down at her mom, dazed from her nap but so curious as to what was happening.

Nikos wanted to be right with his mom. He reached down to feel his baby sister in the womb one last time before her transition earthside, then cuddled up and watched intently.

“You ready?” Tara asked Moxie. “Go wash your hands!” Moxie ran to the kitchen to wash her hands and Tara called out behind her, “But hurry!” When she returned moments later, she sat cross-legged at the end of the bed, quiet and serious.

Tara brought Moxie’s hands to cup Phoenix’s head as it slowly crowned. On the next push, her shoulders and stomach emerged and Moxie lifted Phoenix to her mother.

“I totally savored meeting Phoenix for the first time. As my oldest daughter passed Phoenix from her hands to mine I felt the ecstatic energy, buzzing relief, cosmic goosebumps and pure joy of having accomplished my goal. I finally had her in my arms and I was higher than high.”

“‘We did it guys, we did it!’ I wanted everyone in the room to know my gratitude. I wanted everyone to know and feel how important they were to me in this moment. These were my people. This was my tribe and I will forever be connected to each and everyone in the room that day.”

Phoenix’s cord was a little on the shorter side, so Molly held her low by her stomach, waiting for the placenta to be born. The room was filled excited chatter, laughter, and tears. Everyone piled onto the bed, showering Molly (and Moxie!) with congratulations.

“Phoenix was even more beautiful than I had ever imagined. She came out with such energy and voice and covered in a beautiful thick vernix . She had wild amount of beautiful silky dark hair and the most beautiful lips on a baby I’ve ever seen. It’s an understatement to say I was pleased with what my body had created. Her beauty humbled me.”

Mercy snuggled in right next to mom as she birthed the placenta. She wasn’t quite sure what to think about it!

“Phoenix had a strong latch and I knew right away she was a strong determined baby. Nursing Phoenix came natural for both of us, and only enhanced our bonding. The first breastfeeding session with your baby is undeniably intimate and wondersome.”

Later, Phoenix had her gentle newborn exam at the edge of the bed, within close watch of her parents and big sister. She was absolutely perfect in every way.

Phoenix was snuggly in her swaddle, happy to be passed around so everyone could meet her.

Molly, I can’t thank you enough for asking me to bear witness to your strength. The way that you embrace and enjoy pregnancy and birth is something that will be a legacy for your children.

And your birth was just so fun!!! Thanks for inviting me along for the ride…it was wild and incredible!


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