My life
I grew up here in Jacksonville and went to college in Chicago. I met my husband David there (he offered to assemble my Ikea futon. . .smooth, right??). Being closer to my family and getting out of the snow brought us back to Jacksonville, and a year later my daughter was born. Her peaceful water birth changed me forever. We bought a home in Mandarin and we welcomed two more babies into the world in our living room. In what free time I can manage, I enjoy date nights with my husband, boating on Black Creek, card games with my parents, fawning over my five nieces, swimming with my kids, and volunteering at our church.
My Work
In high school, I picked up my camera to do my friends’ senior pictures and never put it down. I photographed a little bit of everything and I officially opened my business in 2012. I focused on newborn photography, but my favorite part was listening to my clients’ birth stories. In 2016, I photographed my first birth and fell in love. After connecting with the birth community here in Jacksonville, I felt led to specialize in birth photography and that calling continues today! I am a Birth Becomes You Certified Birth Photographer and take pride in showing the world how beautiful birth can be.
Witnessing and documenting births (and doulas in action at those births!) led my heart to pursuing doula work as well. I wanted the freedom to be able to step into those intimate birth spaces not only as a witness, but as a compassionate, knowledgeable support. I am a certified SBD doula and I have completed doula training through Birth Arts International. I am proud to be an Evidence Based Birth Instructor, bringing unbiased, up-to-date research to our community. I am constantly learning and diving into research to help my clients know all of their options and feel lovingly supported every step of the way.
My Passions
Besides serving my clients, another passion of mine is volunteering for a very special organization called Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. Since 2014, I have had the honor of photographing dozens of families each year as they say both hello and goodbye to their baby who has passed away before or shortly after birth. Being asked to join a family in their most devastating hours is heartbreaking, but so incredibly rewarding. I love this organization and everything they do for bereaved families, and it is an honor to serve them year after year.
If you or someone you love is in need of infant bereavement photography, or if you are interested in learning more about our organization, please use the “Send Dallas a Message” button at the bottom of this page to get in touch with me.
My Births
My clients invite me into their most vulnerable and intimate moments. I believe it is only fair to share my own vulnerable and intimate moments: the births of my three children. They were the three most powerful and transformative days of my life, and each one taught me so much. My births may look very different from or very similar to the birth that you are planning, and that is okay! Birth is beautiful no matter where or how it unfolds. You can read my daughter’s birth center birth story here, and my son’s home birth story here. (I’m still working on writing the birth stories of my two youngest!)
Images of my family courtesy of my dear photographer friends and colleagues:
Dana Goodson Photography, Photography by Diana Marie, Benzel Photography, FOHH Photography, Erin Heuser Photographer, 8.08 Photography