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Born with Eyes Wide Open | Home Birth | First Coast Midwifery Services

Born in the middle of a pandemic with eyes wide open. This precious soul came into the world so alert and calm, brought here with such peace and strength by her mother, Alyssa.

This was Alyssa and Charlie’s third baby, but their first experience with an unmedicated birth and their first home birth. Alyssa used Hypnobabies techniques and they served her very well!

It was a joy to photograph this birth alongside midwives Samantha and Maya of First Coast Midwifery Services, and their student midwives Carolyn and Mandi.

There is also a birth film to go along with this birth! Watch the film here, then scroll down to read baby Goldie’s birth story, as told by her mom.

“My guess date was April 3rd and the day had come and gone. This was my third baby and I had wrongfully assumed that she would come early like my second baby did. Feeling a little defeated, I went to bed. I woke up, checked my phone and it was midnight, I went to the bathroom then got back into bed. As I got settled in bed I started feeling some uncomfortable pressure waves, I was in denial that it was the start of birthing time so I tried to get back to sleep. Instead, I tossed and turned as the waves started to become stronger and more uncomfortable. After a while I thought I should start timing them to see how often they were happening. An hour passed and the waves were happening every six minutes. I decided to wake up Charlie. He jolted awake, looked at me with excitement and asked ‘Is it happening?’ I replied with a skeptical ‘I think so!’”

Charlie added:

“Things got intense quick! I just tried to keep her calm during her pressure waves.”

“Immediately following this short conversation things started to move quickly. I turned on my Hypnobabies tracks and tried moving around, attempting anything and everything to get comfortable. I rolled on the birthing ball, I sat on the toilet, laid on my bed, paced in our bedroom. Eventually I ended up laying on our closet floor in fetal position. I don’t know why, but I felt relaxed right there. Whenever a pressure wave started I would tense up, unsure of myself, but then as myself or Charlie cued ‘peace’ I would immediately calm down.

After a while of riding the waves I realized that they were four or less minutes apart, and thought it might be time to call my midwife and birth photographer. It was three o’clock in the morning and my midwife texted me saying that they were about thirty minutes away. Our birth photographer, Dallas, arrived and in between pressure waves I moved from the closet floor to our bed.

At this point I was not tracking my pressure waves, they were coming quick and strong and my sole focus was on getting through them. Every time I did felt like a huge victory, a step closer to the finish line.

At 3:30 am our Midwife, Maya, arrived and started doing vitals. She said that she was going to check to see where we were at. I didn’t hear her say anything and I just assumed that we still had a ways to go.

Shortly after that our other midwife Sam and my sister arrived. I was laying on my side on our bed and I felt so much pressure in my bottom.

I had no idea what was happening, this was my first natural birth and all of this was uncharted territory for me. My body just took over and was doing what it was made to do.

As my body continued to open and stretch I suddenly felt a huge gush which turned out to be my water breaking. Next I felt pressure and burning and everyone in the room started to get excited.

My body completely took over and pushed on it's own. I never felt like I was ‘pushing’ but it happened very fast.

I realized that her head was out and that I was so close to meeting my baby.

Charlie recalled,

“It was the most amazing moment. In tears, so beautiful. I could not stop smiling!”

Alyssa shared,

“I heard her let out a loud cry, yelling with her eyes open as her head came out. And then I heard ‘Grab your baby!’

So I pulled her out and up onto my chest.

Marigold Rae was born at 3:50am (only about 20 minutes after the midwives arrived).

These moments are just so indescribable, so magical.

It was surreal that I was finally meeting this person that was growing inside of my body for the past forty weeks.

I felt nothing but bliss, and strength.

The next few hours were so joyous, I held my brand new baby, soaking her in, in my own bed as the midwives cleaned up.

Charlie woke up our two other children and they met their new baby sister. Dallas captured all of these precious moments.

My sister brought me food, water, and kept the two older kids happy. She has been at my previous two births so its always special to me to have her there as support.

I had never felt more at peace. Pure bliss was just radiating throughout our home.

She was such a light to our family during such a strange time in the world.

She was 7lbs 1oz.

I am so grateful that I felt called to choose a home birth for this birth. Having two previous medicated births in a hospital this was a completely different experience. But my body did it and I believe there is no greater high.

Our hearts are truly bursting with gratitude and love.”

Charlie was so proud of Alyssa, too!

“She is magical, strong, my hero, perfect in every day, beautiful, determined.”

“I am writing this three weeks later and still am riding that high, grinning ear to ear. This birth has given me so much confidence in my choices, my body, and in motherhood.”

“Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers- strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.” - Barbara Katz Rothman.

“I am forever grateful to everyone that was there and supported me on that most memorable day.”

Alyssa, it was a JOY to be there for your incredible birth! You were AMAZING!

Big thanks to First Coast Midwifery Services for providing wonderful care to our local families. If you are thinking about a home birth or want more info about their birth center, check them out!

Pregnant and thinking about birth photography? Let’s talk!

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