Home Birth & Birth Centers in Jacksonville, Florida
Hey, I’m Dallas! I’m a doula and birth photographer in Jacksonville, Florida. I had all of my babies here in Jax: my first at a birth center and my second and third at home. We are SO LUCKY to have such a strong home birth presence and so many birth center options here in northeast Florida! I try to keep this page up to date with our current out-of-hospital birth providers, most of which I’ve attended many, many births with over the years. If you are looking for the perfect midwife match, you are sure to find one here.
Home Birth Practices:
Coastal Midwifery Care
Crowning Midwifery Birth Services & Beyond
First Coast Midwifery Services
Fruitful Vine Midwifery Services
Growing Families Midwifery Service
Jacksonville Community Midwives
Modern Midwives
North Florida Midwifery & Homebirth
Seadipity Wellness
STA Birth Collective
St. Augustine Home Birth
Sweet Grace Midwifery
The Swell Midwife Services
Birth Centers:
First Coast Midwifery Services (also offers home birth)
Fruitful Vine Midwifery Services (also offers home birth)
Transitions Birth Center
Out of Town Midwives Who Travel To NE Florida:
Fertile Ground Midwifery (based out of Tallahassee)
Nacer Midwifery Services (based out of Gainesville)
Home Birth Practices
Below is a list of home birth midwifery practices currently serving Northeast Florida. Some are teams of midwives, some are independent midwives who work solo, some have offices, and some come to you for all of your appointments. You can reach out to them directly to find out their availability, insurance/cost, and to schedule an appointment to determine if home birth is right for you.
FVMS offers birth at the birth center, as well as home birth
Website: www.fruitfulvine.com
Office/Birth Center: 2221 University Blvd West, Jacksonville, FL 32217
Email: fvms88@gmail.com
Phone: (904) 855-4211
Instagram: @fvmsjax
FCMS offers birth at the birth center, as well as home birth
(dependent on location and availability)
Website: www.firstcoastmidwives.com
Birth Center: 815 Stockton St, Jacksonville, FL 32204
Email: jaxmidwifery@gmail.com
Phone: (904) 990-3619
Instagram: @firstcoastmidwifery
Website: www.jacksonvillecommunitymidwives.com
Office: 1616 Jork Rd Ste. 301, Jacksonville, FL 32207
Email: info@jacksonvillecommunitymidwives.com
Phone: (904) 203-8559
Instagram: @jax_community_midwives
Website: www.modernmidwivesjax.com
Office: 2344 Third Street South, Suite B, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Email: modernmidwivesjax@gmail.com
Phone: (904) 834-1155
Instagram: @modernmidwivesjax
Midwife: Tara Dettra
Website: www.saintaugustinehomebirth.com
Office: 24 Cathedral Place, Suite 411, St. Augustine, Florida 32084
Email: saintaugustinehomebirth@gmail.com
Phone: (904) 540-7994
Midwife: Misti Balzer
Website: www.growingfamiliesmidwife.com
Office: 9 S Dixie Hwy, Unit A, Saint Augustine, FL 32084
Email: balzermidwife@gmail.com
Phone: (904) 806-6240
Facebook: Growing Families Midwifery
Midwife: Jessica Lakey
Website: www.northfloridamidwiferyandhomebirth.com
Office: concierge services in your home
Email: northfloridamidwifery@gmail.com
Phone: (904) 290-4114
Instagram: @northflmidwiferyandhomebirth
Facebook: North Florida Midwifery & Homebirth
Midwife: Tiffany Martin
Website: www.stabirthcollective.com
Office: 5A Sanchez Ave, St. Augustine, FL 32084
Email: midwifetiffanymartin@gmail.com
Phone: (904) 900-0900
Facebook: STA Birth Collective
Instagram: @stabirthcollective
Midwife: Rebecca Ray
Website: Sweet Grace Midwifery
Office: concierge services in your home
Email: rebecca@sweetgracemidwifery.com
Phone: (904) 570-5792
Facebook: Sweet Grace Midwifery
Instagram: @sweetgracemidwifery
Midwife: Kimberley Homer
Website: Crowning Midwifery
Office: concierge services in your home
Email: crowningmidwifery@gmail.com
Phone: (850) 296-7608
Facebook: Crowning Midwifery
Instagram: @crowningmidwifery
Midwife: Rene Pittman
Facebook: Coastal Midwifery Care
Office: concierge services in your home
Email: Coastalmidwiferycare@gmail.com
Phone: (904) 469-1010
Instagram: @coastalmidwiferycare
Midwife: Elizabeth Ross
Website: The Swell Midwife Services
Office: 22 Park Terrace Dr, St. Augustine, FL 32080
Email: elizabeth@swellmidwife.com
Phone: (904) 325-6763
Facebook: The Swell Midwife Services
Instagram: @theswellmidwifeservices
Midwife: Jessica Filosa
Website: Seadipity Wellness
Office: 22455 Flora Parke Crossing, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034
Email: info@seadipity.com
Phone: (904) 452-4790
Facebook: Seadipity Wellness
Instagram: @seadipitywellness
Out of Town Midwives who Travel to NE Florida:
Fertile Ground Midwifery (based out of Tallahassee)
Nacer Midwifery Services (based out of Gainesville, speaks Spanish and English)
Birth Centers
We have three freestanding birth centers here in Jacksonville. Clients have their appointments in the birth center and they drive there when they are in labor to birth their babies with the midwives. All three birth centers offer water birth. You can reach out to them directly to find out their availability, insurance/cost, and to schedule an appointment to determine if you are a good candidate for a birth center birth.
FVMS offers birth at the birth center, as well as home birth
Website: www.fruitfulvine.com
Birth Center: 2221 University Blvd West, Jacksonville, FL 32217
Email: fvms88@gmail.com
Phone: (904) 855-4211
Facebook: Fruitful Vine Midwifery
Instagram: @fvmsjax
FCMS offers birth at the birth center, as well as home birth
(dependent on location and availability)
Website: www.firstcoastmidwives.com
Birth Center: 815 Stockton St, Jacksonville, FL 32204
Email: jaxmidwifery@gmail.com
Phone: (904) 990-3619
Facebook: First Coast Midwifery
Instagram: @firstcoastmidwifery
Website: www.transitionsjax.com
Birth Center: 6885 Belfort Oaks Pl, Suite 215, Jacksonville, FL 32216
Email: info@transitionsjax.com
Phone: (904) 990-0218
Instagram: @transitionsjax
Questions? Email me at dallasarthurbirth@gmail.com and I’d be happy to share what I know!