Too Fast to Get to the Birth Center | Fruitful Vine Midwifery

Location: home birth in Jacksonville, Florida

Birth photographer: Dallas Arthur Birth Stories & Support

Midwives: Heather and Sandy of Fruitful Vine Midwifery

Middle of the night births are almost holy to me. Leaving in the dark, returning before the sun rises, my own family still warm and sleeping in their beds and none the wiser to my midnight work.

This sweet client of mine, welcoming her third baby, shared such a beautiful, detailed birth story…enjoy!

My first contraction was at 9 pm. I was sitting on the couch after Mike (my partner) had got the kids to bed, trying to decide what I wanted to watch to wind down the evening.

I let Mike know that he should probably put the car seat in the car and get a few things together in case we needed to wake up the kids and head to the birth center. He had put on Willow for me to watch (the new series based on the movie) and I was watching that while timing my early contractions. Needless to say, I will have to watch that episode again as I have no idea what really happened during the episode as my contractions became the main event and the storyline of Willow faded into background noise and moving pictures.

The first text to the Fruitful Vine pager was at 9:13 pm. Just letting the midwife on call know that I started having contractions and they were 4-5 min apart lasting about a minute. The second text was to Dallas, my trusty birth photographer! After forgetting to call the last birth photographer I had arranged to capture Vivienne’s birth, I was NOT going to forget this time (although, I almost blew it again).

In the beginning of labor, I was able to breathe through them and even talk through contractions. About an hour after the first contraction, I was starting to vocalize while breathing through each contraction. Keeping up with the contraction timer was also keeping me occupied. Once the contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and lasting a minute, I couldn't keep up with it anymore.

I was texting with my sister, my friend Christina and also my neighbor to see if we could bring the kids to her house if we needed to leave for the birth center. The texts were a welcome distraction until around 10:30 when it was getting more evident that this was real labor and not pre-labor.

At 10:35 pm I called the pager line again because the contractions were getting more intense. Heather (midwife) said she could come to the house and see how far along I was in labor before deciding whether it was time to head to the birth center.

I spoke to my neighbor just before 11 pm when she called and I let her know that we would just stay home since I think the baby is coming quicker than I initially thought. I hung up with her as a wave hit me and knocked the breath out of me.

I do recall that it suddenly became extremely important to have my diffuser with lavender oil set up. I asked Mike to get the oils and plug it in. In hindsight, I think I knew I was going to have this baby right here in the living room and I wanted to have at least a tiny bit of the atmosphere from the birth center present during my labor. I remember that when I labored with Maximo (my first son) at the Birth Center of Jacksonville, the smells of that place was what really made me know that I had chosen the right place and midwives to give birth. I knew it as soon as I walked in the door.

Around 11 pm, I couldn't labor on the couch anymore. I moved to the floor and was kneeling. As soon as I left the couch, Emma (our German Shepherd puppy) took my spot on the couch and began licking my arms and face. While Mike was making preparations in the house, she was there providing me comfort in her dog way. I couldn't make her leave or stop licking, so that is just what happened. Emma, the dog doula, debuted.

The last contraction I timed was at 11:08 pm and it lasted 49 seconds and was just over 2 minutes from the previous one. After that one, I tossed my phone aside and didn’t care about it any longer (this is where I almost didn’t call Dallas again). The additional step of the facial recognition feature to unlock my phone each time I wanted to do anything on it, was an added frustration I didn’t have compared to the last time I was in labor. This entire time, I am still on my couch in the living room. Or trying to poop. The bathroom was very close by, so this was actually a convenient place to labor.

So, there I was... kneeling on my couch and inhaling the sweet aroma of lavender as I decided that this was a bad idea and I should have gone to a hospital instead for this birth. I felt like I had been stupid and proud, thinking I could do this a third time. At 42 years old, what business did I have with an out of hospital birth? My third and final birth, how was I going to have an unplanned home birth? Would everything be ok?

Meanwhile, Mike is making coffee, getting the kids stuff together, then getting them up, and then putting them back to bed after we knew Heather was on her way here. Trying to clear some space in our cluttered home that was in no way prepared for a home birth. In between these things, he was by my side, letting me squeeze the blood out of his hand and telling me I could do this, as all my fears and doubts were sweeping over me. He told me I was the strongest woman he ever knew and that affirmation helped me immensely during my moments of self doubt.

And then, Heather arrived. It was the hope and calm assurance I needed. I felt that everything was going to be ok, the midwife was here! I am vaguely aware of her making phone calls to find an assistant and someone to bring my birth kit to the house (it was at the birth center). Heather asked a few times if I called Dallas and I couldn't remember if I did or not. We use my face to unlock my phone and Mike called Dallas, so now all the wheels are in motion! The birth team was complete!

When Heather checked me I was fully dilated but my water hadn't broken yet. Baby was still very high. I know everyone says the mom is the one doing the work, but what Heather was able to do in terms of an unplanned home birth still amazes me.

I only pushed 2 times this birth. The first time was somewhat involuntary, and I felt pressure and then a loud POP and that was my water breaking all over the foam mat and towels (I think). It was not a trickle like some describe, it was a torrent of fluid. That was at 11:56 pm. The second push was not far after my water broke.

Dallas here: I walked in the door at 12:02am. I was relieved that the front door was unlocked and that I was hearing birthing sounds instead of baby cries as I made my way to the living room! I had pulled my gear out of my camera bag and set my settings at a red light on the way over, so I walked in snapping and got there right at crowning.

Heather was calm the whole time, gave directions urgently but in a calm manner and nothing was lacking (except for maybe a more comfortable place than a thin foam mat over a tile floor) to deliver and catch a baby.

I remember stretching out my body and my straightening out one leg to the side as I extended my body and released a guttural sound as I made one long push. That push was enough to birth her 14" circumference head shortly after midnight.

After all the noise and screaming I had been making for the last hour, the silence that followed was deafening. Where was the rest of baby? Why wasn't she crying? Heather acted fast and freed baby due to her shoulder that was stuck behind my pubic bone.

And there she was! All 8 lbs 6 oz, covered in vernix with a whole head of jet black hair. My little angel, surprise baby.

Probably one of the more interesting things was baby Brienne was born on 12/04 at 12:04 am. That is something!

The first feeling when I got to hold her in my arms was a moment I didn't realize I wanted so much until she was pressed against my chest.

Like a missing piece that I didn't know was missing until I saw the picture with her as a part of it. I felt relief as well.

Relieved she was healthy, relieved that we made the right choice, relieved that I was able to carry her to full term and have a healthy outcome. I didn't cry until writing this, but the overall feeling for me is just one of gratitude and immeasurable love. My 3rd child, a girl with raven hair, a December baby like her mama.

Sandy (student midwife and birth assistant) then shows up and it was a reunion of sorts! She was the assistant at Maximo's birth and that was a much longer labor! I was elated to see her!

Baby nursed while I was still sitting on the floor of my living room, propped up by a pillow. I was happy she latched right away without any issues. She is a real go getter! She would prove this to me on the 3rd night of her arrival by nursing for 7 hours to try and get my milk to come in. That was a tough night. She knew what she was doing because it worked! She was back to her birth weight the day my milk came in.

She looks like a mix between her brother and sister. My parents say she looks like me when I was a baby. I thought she would have the full head of hair, but she has more than I expected.

The next morning, the kids woke up and they had a baby sister! Remarkably, these two slept through the entire labor and birth process. They are so happy and like to be involved in helping with baby.

Having an out of hospital birth is not for everyone. Risk factors aside, there is always a risk something goes unplanned and medical intervention is necessary.

For me, I knew the moment I was shut down by my OB and discouraged from asking questions that I wanted no part of his practice or really, anything to do with doctors or hospitals.

Pregnancy was so incredible to me, and learning what happens in your body to nourish and grow a human just blew me away.

Birth was the culmination of that process and for me, I wanted to experience it naturally so I would know what happened, how it happened and how it felt.

The care I received from midwives and the natural birth community was caring, personal and came from a place of being called to birth work.

Women caring for women and it is so powerful and special to witness and experience.

Birth changed me. Being a mother changed me. Thank you to all the midwives, birth assistants, doulas, and anyone supporting this community.

I want to thank my birth team from the bottom of my heart. Heather, Sandy, Dallas, Miracle and of course Mike my amazing partner who shines in these crazy birth scenarios!

My sister Jen for supporting me from afar, but has been my support every day with all my ups and downs. I had a baby and yes that was hard. But it is hard to do the work to become a midwife or support moms who choose the unthinkable option of home birth or out of hospital births. You are the heroes for me. Thank you for letting me experience birth on both me and my baby's terms. We love you for that.

Congratulations! You were absolutely amazing, and I’m so grateful for your openness in sharing your story and all of the thoughts running through your head in what was a speedy, yet completely beautiful birth!

All my love to the midwives at Fruitful Vine, who time and time again show their deep love and trust for the families of this community. You move mountains for your clients and our birth community loves you for it.

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Dallas Arthur

Hey, I’m Dallas! I am a certified doula and professional birth photographerin Jacksonville, Florida. As a birth nerd and mom of two, I am passionate about showing the world that birth is beautiful! I’d love to hear your story and be part of your birth team! Read more…


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