Life with Four Littles | Home Newborn
Oh my goodness…this home newborn session was SO MUCH FUN! Baby Jack was born at home, peacefully surrounded by his family, and I came to photograph his newborn session a little while later. He was absolutely fawned over by his big brother and two big sisters. They couldn’t keep their sweet little hands off of him! His mama, Ashley, beamed over her children and looked beautiful. She shared her thoughts with me about life as a new mom of four!
“When my midwife handed Jack to me, I was relieved to finally be holding my baby and so in love with all of his tiny little features. Our other three children look so different from each other, and Jack appears to be no exception! We can already tell he shares a nose with his big brother, though!”
“My two older kids fell asleep on the couch downstairs when I was in labor and met their baby brother in the morning. My one year old woke up shortly after Jack was born, around 2am. Apparently she couldn’t wait to hold her new baby! It was love at first sight for all of Jack’s siblings. I’m so thankful that there were no feelings of jealousy amongst them.”
“The transition from a family of five to a family of six has been smoother than I thought it would be. Over the years I’ve learned to take each season as it comes; to slow down when we need to, to regroup, re-prioritize, and remember to savor the slowness of the season.”
“I love the newborn stage. I love the cuddles, the early morning feedings, and watching our bond slowly form during the first few weeks. One of the harder parts of having a newborn is learning to be even more aware of how I spend my time during the day so all four of my kids get some quality time with me.”
“Jack is a pensive little guy! He’s the only one of my kids who has liked being swaddled as a newborn and held so close. He sleeps most of the day but when he’s awake he seems to take the world pretty seriously!”
“My husband and I are looking forward to watching Jack’s personality unfold. We have a thinker, a doer, a music lover… I wonder if he will be totally different or similar to one of his siblings.”
“Dallas came to my house for a newborn session and was just so wonderful! The shots she captured were candid and beautiful, which was no easy feat with three energetic kiddos and a newborn! She was really everything I hoped she would be as a photographer and more.”
Congratulations to you and your family! It was an absolute joy to bottle up this special time for you to enjoy as your little ones grow.
Pregnant and thinking about newborn photography?
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