Ask a Doula | Q&A with Jax Doulas
Here in Jacksonville, we have something really special…a community of incredible doulas!
Not sure what a doula is? A doula is a trained birth professional who supports expecting families before, during, and after their births with non-medical support. Between their extensive knowledge, hands-on pain relief skills, and problem-solving, a doula can help you achieve your birth goals and hold your hand every step of the way.
Today, I am interviewing three Jacksonville doulas: Christin Murillo, Sharon Lonix, and Olivia Martinez. Scroll to the bottom to learn more about each of them and how you can add them to your birth team!
Image by Dallas Arthur Photography.
What is your favorite piece of advice to give your clients as they prepare for their births?
Christin: “Get educated if you aren’t. You cannot give informed consent or refusal if you don’t know what’s going!”
Sharon: “Trust yourself! Sometimes we think our bodies can’t, and they definitely can! Woman are more powerful than we think!”
Olivia: “Trust the process. It may seem simple and obvious, but it’s easy to forget that our bodies are doing what they were made to do. Trust that baby will come when ready, trust your body’s abilities, trust the birth process itself, trust your own powerful capabilities to do this!”
Image by Dallas Arthur Photography.
What is it like at hospitals these days with COVID policies?
Christin: “In general, COVID has made the hospitals more controlling of all the things during birth. Yes, some units are more open and respectful. But others are more disrespectful of patients’ rights than they were before.”
Sharon: “In most hospitals here in Jacksonville, only one person can be with the momma while she is giving birth, so it is hard to make sure everyone has the support they need. Honestly, most of my clients have switched to either home birth or birth center birth because of the hospital policies.”
Olivia: “These days are so confusing with COVID, but especially for these families bringing new life into this world. Times are challenging, but most hospitals are understanding of this! With the many protocols set in place, they are still aware of the intimacy needed in the birth space. I think we are very fortunate for our birth community here in Jax, as it has been very good about making sure mom and baby come first!”
Image by Dallas Arthur Photography.
What are some ways to relax and de-stress during your pregnancy?
Christin: “Meditation on whatever floats your boat! Be it Hypnobabies, scripture, or just clearing your mind at night before you go to sleep. It helps us de-clutter the stress and focus on what matters...connecting with our babies. Another would be to watch a ‘pee your pants’ funny movie, as I call it! Do things that make you happy and rest well.”
Sharon: “Definitely prenatal massages and I would also suggest prenatal yoga (you can find YouTube videos with prenatal yoga).”
Olivia: “Relaxing and de-stressing during pregnancy is so important for both mom and baby. Doing things like meditating, journaling, prenatal yoga, breath work…it all helps with mind body connection! It allows you to slow down, connect with your baby, and put the rest of the world on pause for a moment.”
Image by Dallas Arthur Photography.
How can a family prepare for a supportive, healing postpartum time?
Christin: “PLAN AHEAD! Prep some freezer meals. Plan to grocery pickup so neither has to go into the stores. Video chat family and friends who can’t come see you. Have a hand washing station and a mat for shoes when your parents come over after baby is born. And shower, eat, care for baby & sleep. Repeat that for the first few weeks. It’s survival mode to care for yourselves and baby for a bit! And lastly, give each other grace. Hormones that took 9+ months to build a baby take at least that long to level out. There may be crying yelling or bottling feelings up. Sleep deprivation wears hard on you. Give grace, ask for forgiveness if needed and rest in knowing that eventually life will level off with the crazy and you will have a new family at the end of it!”
Sharon: “Preparing for a supportive healing postpartum time does look different these days but I would definitely say make sure that there is communication. Let people know what you need and how they can help, and still stay within the boundaries you have set up.”
Olivia: “Postpartum is a very vulnerable time. Having support is the biggest tool to have during this time. I recommend looking into lactation consultants, postpartum doulas, postpartum support groups, or even just friends/family that you feel comfortable talking to. If you don’t feel comfortable with in-person support, look into having these options available online! Also, having friends and family drop meals off on your porch is another way to feel the support from your tribe without worrying about having lingering visitors.”
Image by Dallas Arthur Photography.
What is your favorite part of doula work?
Christin: “Seeing the look on my clients faces that says “You are gold, Christin!” We all like to know that we are valued in this work. So, selfishly, that is definitely my favorite. It helps me remember why I do this! The second would be seeing such better birth outcomes in general than those without doula support!”
Sharon: “My favorite part of doula work would be seeing a mom realize how powerful she really is. I love when a mom births her baby and she realizes that she had the power within herself the whole time!”
Olivia: “My favorite part of doula work is definitely the postpartum work. The first few hours after a baby has been brought earthside is the most magical time. It’s an honor each and every single time that I am able to be apart of that. Bringing a family a meal, helping with breastfeeding, and reminding the family how incredible they were through the birth process is one of my favorite parts of birth.”
Image by Dallas Arthur Photography.
Aside from birth, What is another part of doula work that you are super passionate about?
Christin: “I would say the education. Because with knowledge comes power!”
Sharon: “Making sure that mom feels fully supported after the baby is born. Sometimes I think once the baby is born, we forget about mom and everything that her body is still going through. She needs to be supported just as much after if not more.”
Olivia: “Since having my daughter, I have become super passionate about breastfeeding! Everyday I am blown away by the magic we produce for our children. There’s no denying that breastfeeding comes with challenges, and helping families get through the tricky parts is something I’ve grown to love so much.”
Thank you so much to Christin, Sharon, and Olivia for sharing your wisdom with us! Jacksonville is so lucky to have such wonderful doulas!
Thinking about adding a doula to your birth team? Check them out below!
Christin Murillo
Sharon Lonix
Olivia Martinez