Dallas Arthur Birth Stories & Support

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A Hypnobabies Home Birth | Modern Midwives

Midwives: Maya Bence, LM, and Mandi West, LM of Modern Midwives

Birth videographer: Dallas Arthur of Dallas Arthur Birth Stories & Support

Location: home birth in Jacksonville, Florida

Birth can be peaceful. Quiet. Breathtaking and lifegiving. Brittany channeled all of her strength into bringing her second baby earthside, using her Hypnobabies tools to beautifully breathe her baby down and out.

Brittany and I had crossed paths before, at her sister Alyssa’s home birth. It was a special honor to witness and document another sweet soul enter their family. And Alyssa was here for this one, too!

Brittany wrote her birth story in the form of a beautiful letter to her baby, Boone. And you can see her stunning birth video below, with all of the joyful little details from that night. Enjoy!

To Boone,

I was mistakenly convinced you were coming a few days before you were actually born. The week leading up to meeting you had been filled with on and off pressure waves, nausea, and general discomfort. The night before your birth I was violently sick, in and out of the bathroom every few minutes. I was able to get some sleep but knew in the early morning that you were really coming.

I began having consistent waves at 6 am. The intensity was growing but not quite powerful yet. All I wanted to do was snuggle your older brother but I knew I needed to focus on meeting you. Your brother headed off to hangout with your cousins and your uncle. Your Auntie came over and we went for a walk around the neighborhood. Walking through the waves felt good. When we got back home the intensity increased quite a bit. I could no longer stay quiet through the waves. I felt like I had to vocalize what I was feeling. With each wave I would repeat the phrase “peace” in my head and I tried to focus on the fact that each one brought me close to you. I began to feel discouraged when the waves would space out further apart; however, the intensity was only increasing. I decided to get into my tub which was a beautiful change of sensation. It felt so much better being submerged. The waves began to come sooner and sooner. It was around 3pm when I decided it was time to have everyone come over.

Dallas arrived at 4 and immediately started doing her thing. She had a natural calmness about her. Mandi arrived at 5 and I knew I needed to have her set up the tub right away. The waves were becoming so powerful. She checked to see where I was at and it was a relief to find out I was 7cm dilated. My water bag was bulging which is why I was feeling so much pressure. I was beginning to get worried that I wasn’t going to make it through anymore waves until the tub was ready. Maya soon showed up and the tub was filled. I joyfully got in, only the waves did not let up much. They started to slow down and I was anxious that I was getting too tired to continue. Every time I changed positions a wave would come and even though that meant I would need to ride through them I knew it was necessary for them to keep coming. My water broke and it felt like a lot of pressure was released. The next few waves were a little more comfortable. I was in my living room surrounded by people that supported me and I felt so much love. I felt like they all loved you too and were ready to meet you.

As you began to descend I started to panic a little. I felt like I had to push you out but didn’t feel like I was getting anywhere. Thinking there was “no way I could do this,” Maya looked at me and said “You're doing it exactly the way you are supposed to, just breathe through them”. She said I had 1 or 2 more contractions until your head would be out. Her instructions calmed me and with the next wave I focused on my breathing. Your head came out and I felt the greatest sense of relief. I could feel you moving your head around in the water. Soon the rest of you was born and you were all wrapped up in your chunky cord. I wanted to just pull you up to my chest but I felt like I couldn’t move my body until you were untangled. Mandi untangled the cord and I brought you up to my chest, I have never felt so much bliss and peace before. I felt like I had completed a marathon and won the ultimate goal, which was you.

That night was unforgettable. You were brought into this world with so much love and peace. There were twinkling lights all set up throughout the living room and affirmations hung up by your daddy. He was right by my side every time a wave came, telling me how strong and capable I was. Your aunt was there pressing on my back when the most intense waves hit and holding my hand when I felt discouraged or tired. Dallas was there to document this beautiful night and I truly felt like she was a cheerleader, cheering for you to come out. Your midwives Maya and Mandi never doubted me and I felt their joy when you were finally born. Your older brother came home after you were born to meet you. He was a little sleepy and confused but I know he knew what this had meant. That he had just gotten a little best friend for life. I could not have asked for a better team of people, I feel so lucky. I love you Boone Archer, and always will.”

Brittany, I am so incredibly proud of you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful birth with he world!


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