Dallas Arthur Birth Stories & Support

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A Yulee Home Water Birth | Modern Midwives

Location: home birth in Yulee, Florida

Midwife: Maya Bence of Modern Midwives

Client: Rene Pittman of Precious Moments Midwifery

Photographer: Dallas Arthur Birth Stories & Support

There is nothing more powerful than witnessing an empowering birth experience firsthand. Rene I have known each other for years, and our paths first crossed at a home birth in 2018 where I was the birth photographer and she was a student midwife. Since then, she has gone on to become a licensed midwife, have her first baby, and run her own midwifery practice. And then she asked me to be her birth photographer for her second baby! She had planned to have her first baby at home, too, but she ended up having a hospital birth. Rene was excited for the chance to birth at home with a midwife, just like she sees over and over again as a home birth midwife herself!

My midwife came over on Tuesday evening (41+2) for a second membrane sweep. I was 3cm and 70% effaced, she was able to stretch me to a solid 4cm by the end of the sweep. After she left, I started having mild cramping that would come every 2 minutes for a while and then space out. I knew it was likely just irritability from the sweep but was hopeful that it would turn into labor. As I went to bed that night, I was still having very mild inconsistent cramping. I was able to fall asleep though and slept for a few hours.

At 3am I woke up to more cramps that felt more intense. I stayed in bed for about an hour or so and tried to fall back asleep but couldn’t ignore them. They were coming every 2-4 minutes from about 3:30am on. I put on my AirPods with some labor meditations and tried to get my body to relax to help things progress. By 5am I couldn’t stay in bed anymore so I moved between the toilet and the birth ball. I texted my birth team at 6am to let them know what was happening, and because it was my second baby and the contractions were already so close, they decided to head to us.

They got here between 7:30-8am and when my midwife checked me, I was the same as I had been the evening before.

I felt so discouraged and wondered why I was having these contractions so close together but “nothing” was happening.

Maya and Dallas left and I ate breakfast and continued to labor.

When I was relaxed in bed, the contractions remained consistent but when I got up to pee or walk around, they would space out (opposite to what I’ve always seen and heard).

Finally around noon they started to get more intense and continued regardless of my activity.

I let the birth team know that things were picking up and they should head back to us - I told them not to rush because I was so worried that it was another false alarm.

Dallas arrived sometime between 1-1:30 and by this point I was very vocal through contractions and they were very intense.

I found myself falling to my hands and knees each time one came around.

Tyler worked hard to set up the pool and birth space and I remained in our room, resting between contractions and working through them.

My midwife arrived around 2pm and it had just started storming.

When she checked me I was so scared that she was going to say I was 5cm or less.

But she didn’t. I was 9cm and when she told me that I was so relieved. I cried happy tears, I was so thankful that my body was doing it.

I had been scared that my body wouldn’t do it on its own since I had to have pitocin last time (my midwife brain knew this was BS but I couldn’t shake the thought). But my body WAS doing it, and we were close to the end. I got a second wind and said “Let’s do this!”

They started filling the tub and the intensity of the contractions reached a new level.

I didn’t want to do it anymore. But in my mind I knew that me thinking that meant I was almost done.

Just before the tub was filled, my body started pushing. I felt her head move down so I quickly. I looked up and said “She’s coming, is the tub ready?” They poured two more pots of boiling water into the tub and I stepped in.

I had one foot in, one foot out and was holding Dallas’ hands when a contraction hit and I thought I was going to have her right there. I was so determined to get into the water, so during a contraction, between involuntary pushes, it took everything I had to get my other leg into the tub and sink down into the water.

I went down to my knees and almost immediately, I felt my water break and her head moved even further down.

I felt the “ring of fire” and started to panic - but heard Maya remind me to breathe.

So I did, I breathed and let my body do the work.

With the next contraction at 3:09pm, her head was born and I said softly in my midwife voice “Head’s out,” and her body followed with the next push and I announced quietly “She’s here,”

Nobody else had their hands in the water, I had complete control over pushing and catching my daughter.

And that was the most empowering moment of my life.

I looked down at my daughter and said “We did it!”

I couldn’t believe she was finally here.

We hung out in the pool for a bit, I delivered the placenta and she latched.

Then we were tucked into bed where the newborn exam was done and our parents brought our firstborn in to meet his sister.

This birth was the most empowering experience. It makes a huge difference when you prepare for birth and select the perfect birth team. I am so grateful.

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